In the not too distant future Intelligent Creatures (robots, smart devices, smart vehicles, smart buildings, etc) will share the everyday living environment of human beings. It is...
Brendan Bartlett, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Stuart...
Abstract. A distributed software system's deployment architecture can have a significant impact on the system's properties. These properties will depend on various system...
Marija Mikic-Rakic, Sam Malek, Nels Beckman, Nenad...
The role of ontologies in knowledge base systems is gradually increasing. Along with the growth of Internet based applications and ecommerce, the need for easy interoperability bet...
e-Transformation technologies, for the past few years, have been evolving towards the goal of information integration and system interoperability. While there is no doubt that int...
In this paper, we develop a unified theory in analyzing optimal switch box design problems, particularly for the unsolved irregular cases, where different pin counts are allowed on...