The popularity of instant messaging (IM) system creates a new way for human communication. Along with this trend, IM system is broadly applied in cooperative learning. There isnâ€...
Different from multi-user database management systems, CSCW system must support group awareness explicitly, namely that participants should perceive the presence of each other dur...
Multicast services are demanded by a variety of applications. Many applications require anonymity during their communication. However, there has been very little work on anonymous...
Li Xiao, Xiaomei Liu, Wenjun Gu, Dong Xuan, Yunhao...
The evolution of software systems over many years often leads to unnecessarily complex and in exible designs which in turn lead to a huge amount of e ort for enhancements and main...
Performance analysis of microprocessors is a critical step in defining the microarchitecture, prior to register-transfer-level (RTL) design. In complex chip multiprocessor systems...
Reinaldo A. Bergamaschi, Indira Nair, Gero Dittman...