Despite the long history and consistent use of quantitative empirical methods to evaluate information visualization techniques and systems, our understanding of interface use rema...
We are developing a digital writing tool, Polymorphic Letters (PL), to investigate hand and pen movements as they may extend and enrich expression in written language. PL recogniz...
Andrea Taylor, Zoltan Foley-Fisher, Carol Stroheck...
Originally developed to connect processors and memories in multicomputers, prior research and design of interconnection networks have focused largely on performance. As these netw...
This paper presents findings from a qualitative study of people’s everyday interactions with energy-consuming products and systems in the home. Initial results from a large onli...
Design Constraints imposed by global interconnect delays as well as limitations in integration of disparate technologies make 3-D chip stacks an enticing technology solution for m...
Awet Yemane Weldezion, Matt Grange, Dinesh Pamunuw...