We describe the name analysis and pronunciation component in the German version of the Bell Labs multilingual text-tospeech system. We concentrate on street names because they enc...
Themost costly aspect of gathering information over the Internet is that of transferring data over the networkto answer the user’s query. Wemaketwo contributions in this paperth...
This paper is a proposal for a new two-tier calculus, designed to model aspects of CORBA-like systems at the CORBA evel. The higher object level known as Oompa abstracts away from...
Malcolm Tyrrell, Andrew Butterfield, Alexis Donnel...
DBMT is researched here in the context of future systems for the general public, where a monolingual author wants to translate into several languages. We have produced a complete ...
An overview is presented of the construction and use of algebraic partition functions to represent the equilibrium statistical mechanics of multimolecular complexes and their acti...