This paper describes the implementation and performance of M-VIA on the AceNIC Gigabit Ethernet card. The AceNIC adapter has several notable hardware features for high-speed commun...
In-Su Yoon, Sang-Hwa Chung, Ben Lee, Hyuk-Chul Kwo...
High performance computers currently under construction, such as IBM’s Blue Gene/L, consisting of large numbers (64K) of low cost processing elements with relatively small local...
Ed Upchurch, Paul L. Springer, Maciej Brodowicz, S...
Despite having been designed to interconnect office equipment such as computers and printers, since its early days Ethernet has also been considered for use in the industrial doma...
To enable video transmission over heterogeneous wireless networks, a highly scalable compression and streaming framework that can adapt to large and rapid bandwidth variations in ...
Raj Kumar Rajendran, Mihaela van der Schaar, Shih-...
Advances in computing and communication technologies have resulted in a wide variety of networked mobile devices that access data over the Internet. In this paper, we argue that s...