The cache hierarchy design in existing SMT and superscalar processors is optimized for latency, but not for bandwidth. The size of the L1 data cache did not scale over the past dec...
A group of web caches can be organized into a cooperative hierarchy where a search for a requested object is performed among the cooperating peer caches before the object request ...
Spin-Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM) is an emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) technology that has the potential to replace the conventional on-chip SRAM caches for designing a more ...
Adwait Jog, Asit K. Mishra, Cong Xu, Yuan Xie, Vij...
This paper uses trace-driven simulations to evaluate the performance of different cache management techniques for multi-level Web proxy caching hierarchies. In particular, the exp...
With the ability to place large numbers of transistors on a single silicon chip, manufacturers have begun developing chip multiprocessors (CMPs) containing multiple processor core...