The Restaurant Game demonstrates an end-to-end system that captures and generates social behavior for virtual agents. Over 15,000 people have played The Restaurant Game, and we ha...
We present Tartanian, a game theory-based player for headsup no-limit Texas Hold'em poker. Tartanian is built from three components. First, to deal with the virtually infinit...
Andrew Gilpin, Tuomas Sandholm, Troels Bjerre S&os...
Abstract. Many practical scenarios involve solving a social choice problem: a group of self-interested agents have to agree on an outcome that best fits their combined preferences...
Many distributed systems can be modeled as network games: a collection of selfish players that communicate in order to maximize their individual utilities. The performance of such ...
State-of-the-art computer graphics can give autonomous agents a compelling appearance as animated virtual characters. Typically the agents are directly responsible for controlling ...