Background: We recently developed the Paired End diTag (PET) strategy for efficient characterization of mammalian transcriptomes and genomes. The paired end nature of short PET se...
Kuo Ping Chiu, Chee-Hong Wong, Qiongyu Chen, Prami...
Background: Human genetic variations primarily result from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur approximately every 1000 bases in the overall human population. The no...
Jian Tian, Ningfeng Wu, Xuexia Guo, Jun Guo, Juhua...
New tendencies envisage 2D/3D Multi-Processor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) as a promising solution for the consumer electronics market. MPSoCs are complex to design, as they must execute...
As the d esig n-m anu factu ring interface becom es increasing ly com plicated with IC technolog y scaling , the correspond ing process variability poses g reat challeng es for na...
Yang Xu, Kan-Lin Hsiung, Xin Li, Ivan Nausieda, St...
Ease of deployment, wireless connectivity and ubiquitous mobile on-the-go computing has made the IEEE 802.11 the most widely deployed Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) sta...