Clock gating is a power reduction technique that has been used successfully in the custom ASIC domain. Clock and logic signal power are saved by temporarily disabling the clock si...
Clock network power in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is considered and two complementary approaches for clock power reduction in the Xilinx R VirtexTM -5 FPGA are presen...
This paper examines the tradeoffs between flexibility, area, and power dissipation of programmable clock networks for FieldProgrammable Gate Arrays (FPGA's). The paper begins...
Modern FPGA architectures provide ample routing resources so that designs can be routed successfully. The routing architecture is designed to handle versatile connection configur...
Satish Sivaswamy, Gang Wang, Cristinel Ababei, Kia...
Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive and the most power consuming part of video compression and video enhancement systems. In this paper, we propose a nove...
Caglar Kalaycioglu, Onur C. Ulusel, Ilker Hamzaogl...