The last decade has witnessed the emergence of the application-specific instruction-set processor (ASIP) as a viable platform for embedded systems. Extensible ASIPs allow the user ...
Markovian process algebras, such as PEPA and stochastic -calculus, bring a powerful compositional approach to the performance modelling of complex systems. However, the models gen...
Niching is an important technique for multimodal optimization. Most existing niching methods require specification of certain niching parameters in order to perform well. These nic...
Abstract--Sensor networks have been widely used for surveillance, monitoring, and tracking. Camera networks, in particular, provide a large amount of information that has tradition...
Edgar J. Lobaton, Ramanarayan Vasudevan, Ruzena Ba...
We propose the concept of a generalized assorted pixel (GAP) camera, which enables the user to capture a single image of a scene and, after the fact, control the tradeoff between s...