As Si CMOS devices are scaled down into the nanoscale regime, current computer architecture approaches are reaching their practical limits. Future nano-architectures will confront...
Kundan Nepal, R. Iris Bahar, Joseph L. Mundy, Will...
Abstract. We develop a general approach that uses holomorphic 1forms to parameterize anatomical surfaces with complex (possibly branching) topology. Rather than evolve the surface ...
Yalin Wang, Xianfeng Gu, Kiralee M. Hayashi, Tony ...
Spherical navigators are an attractive approach to motion compensation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Because they can be acquired quickly, spherical navigators have the potential ...
Online Curriculum Portals aim to support networks of instructors and learners by providing a space of convergence for enhancing peer-to-peer learning interactions among individual...
Dimitris Kotzinos, Sofia Pediaditaki, Apostolos Ap...
Researchers in Web engineering have regularly noted that existing Web application development environments provide little support for managing the evolution of Web applications. K...