Abstract— Modern database management systems (DBMS) answer a multitude of complex queries on increasingly larger datasets. Given the complexities of the queries and the numerous ...
Debabrata Dash, Ioannis Alagiannis, Cristina Maier...
Abstract. Data warehouse architectural choices and optimization techniques are critical to decision support query performance. To facilitate these choices, the performance of the d...
Multilevel Fiduccia-Mattheyses MLFM hypergraph partitioning 3, 22, 24 is a fundamental optimization in VLSI CAD physical design. The leading implementation, hMetis 23 , has sinc...
Andrew E. Caldwell, Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Marko...
— Many data-intensive websites use databases that grow much faster than the rate that users access the data. Such growing datasets lead to ever-increasing space and performance o...
When hosting XML information on relational backends, a mapping has to be established between the schemas of the information source and the target storage repositories. A rich body ...