: Three-dimensional visualization facilitates human perception, imagination, and reasoning based on computer-represented knowledge. Since human imagination and reasoning is based o...
The paper concerns failing queries in incomplete Distributed Autonomous Information Systems (DAIS) based on attributes which are hierarchical and which semantics at different site...
Zbigniew W. Ras, Agnieszka Dardzinska, Osman G&uum...
With the ever-increasing growth of data and information, finding the right knowledge becomes a real challenge and an urgent task. Traditional data and information retrieval syste...
Recent work has shown the necessity of considering an attacker's background knowledge when reasoning about privacy in data publishing. However, in practice, the data publishe...
David J. Martin, Daniel Kifer, Ashwin Machanavajjh...
Web search engines like Google have made us all smarter by providing ready access to the world's knowledge whenever we need to look up a fact, learn about a topic or evaluate...