We study the performance of high-speed interconnects using a set of communication micro-benchmarks. The goal is to identify certain limiting factors and bottlenecks with these int...
Rod Fatoohi, Ken Kardys, Sumy Koshy, Soundarya Siv...
This paper introduces MadeleineII, a new adaptive and portable multi-protocol implementation of the Madeleine communication library. MadeleineII has the ability to control multipl...
Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) languages combine the programming convenience of shared memory with the locality and performance control of message passing. One such langu...
Katherine A. Yelick, Dan Bonachea, Wei-Yu Chen, Ph...
This paper describes the implementation of a reliable Get-Put interface written for a distributed memory environment. The asynchronous semantics of the Put as well as the split tr...
Peta-scale scientific applications running on High End Computing (HEC) platforms can generate large volumes of data. For high performance storage and in order to be useful to scien...
Fang Zheng, Hasan Abbasi, Ciprian Docan, Jay F. Lo...