Exploiting today’s multiprocessors requires highperformance and correct concurrent systems code (optimising compilers, language runtimes, OS kernels, etc.), which in turn requir...
Susmit Sarkar, Peter Sewell, Jade Alglave, Luc Mar...
—Increasingly wireless networks use multi-antenna nodes as in IEEE 802.11n and 802.16. The Physical layer (PHY) in such systems may use the antennas to provide multiple streams o...
Wonsoo Kim, O. Khan, Kien T. Truong, Soon-Hyeok Ch...
The Cell processor is a heterogeneous multi-core processor with one Power Processing Engine (PPE) core and eight Synergistic Processing Engine (SPE) cores. Each SPE has a directly...
Kevin O'Brien, Kathryn M. O'Brien, Zehra Sura, Ton...
LOFAR is the first of a new generation of radio telescopes, that combines the signals from many thousands of simple, fixed antennas, rather than from expensive dishes. Its revol...
John W. Romein, P. Chris Broekema, Ellen van Meije...
We present the Buffer Heap (BH), a cache-oblivious priority queue that supports Delete-Min, Delete, and Decrease-Key operations in O( 1 B log2 N B ) amortized block transfers fro...