As the number of transistors on a chip doubles with every technology generation, the number of on-chip cores also increases rapidly, making possible in a foreseeable future to des...
Meeting power and performance requirement is a challenging task in high speed ALUs. Supply voltage scaling is promising because it reduces both switching and active power but it al...
—Wireless sensor networks have become a promising technology in monitoring physical world. In many applications with wireless sensor networks, it is essential to understand how w...
Min Xi, Kui Wu, Yong Qi, Jizhong Zhao, Yunhao Liu,...
– Typical robot development requires that hardware be mostly functional before significant software development begins. Utilizing virtual prototype of hardware and its environmen...
Kyo Chul Kang, Moonzoo Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Byungkil ...
Process management is a method for improving Boeing's business processes, however many aspects have been difficult to implement. eQuality is a software system based on a frame...
Jeffrey Bradshaw, Peter Holm, Oscar Kipersztok, Th...