If real number calculations are implemented as circuits, only a limited preciseness can be obtained. Hence, formal verification can not be used to prove the equivalence between th...
Michaela Huhn, Klaus Schneider, Thomas Kropf, Geor...
Pipeline flushes due to branch mispredictions is one of the most serious problems facing the designer of a deeply pipelined, superscalar processor. Many branch predictors have bee...
Marius Evers, Sanjay J. Patel, Robert S. Chappell,...
This paper takes a pragmatic approach to the design of a task analysis support tool. Instead of proposing a new approach to analysis, it looks at the common requirements for provi...
We present a system for monitoring and locating everyday items using mobile phones. The system is based on phones which are enhanced with the capability to detect electronically t...
Christian Frank, Philipp Bolliger, Friedemann Matt...
Visual search connects physical (offline) objects with (online) digital media. Using objects from the environment, like newspapers, magazines, books and posters, we can retrieve s...
Jamey Graham, Jorge Moraleda, Jonathan J. Hull, Ti...