The memory hierarchy of a system can consume up to 50% of microprocessor system power. Previous work has shown that tuning a configurable cache to a particular application can red...
Since the advent of electronic computing, the processors’ clock speed has risen tremendously. Now that energy efficiency requirements have stopped that trend, the number of proc...
As we reach the limits of single-core computing, we are promised more and more cores in our systems. Modern architectures include many performance counters per core, but few or no...
Paul E. West, Yuval Peress, Gary S. Tyson, Sally A...
Abstract. This paper describes a world wide collaboration system through multimedia Post-its (user generated annotations). DIANE is a service to create multimedia annotations to ev...
Overlapping communication with computation is an important optimization on current cluster architectures; its importance is likely to increase as the doubling of processing power ...
Wei-Yu Chen, Dan Bonachea, Costin Iancu, Katherine...