Parameter variation in integrated circuits causes sections of a chip to be slower than others. If, to prevent any resulting timing errors, we design processors for worst-case para...
Smruti R. Sarangi, Brian Greskamp, Abhishek Tiwari...
Abstract--Chip-MultiProcessor (CMP) architectures are becoming more and more popular as an alternative to the traditional processors that only extract instruction-level parallelism...
To provide Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in open and unpredictable environments, the utilization control problem is defined to keep the processor utilization at the schedula...
A significant portion of the energy dissipated in modern integrated circuits is consumed by the overhead associated with timing guardbands that ensure reliable execution. Timing ...
Aggressive CMOS scaling will make future chip multiprocessors (CMPs) increasingly susceptible to transient faults, hard errors, manufacturing defects, and process variations. Exis...