Multi-perspective images are a useful way to visualize extended, roughly planar scenes such as landscapes or city blocks. However, constructing effective multi-perspective images ...
The pervasiveness of location-acquisition technologies (GPS, GSM networks, etc.) enable people to conveniently log the location histories they visited with spatio-temporal data. T...
Fixing runtime bugs in long running programs using trace based analyses such as dynamic slicing was believed to be prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we present a novel execu...
Models are increasingly recognized as an effective means for elaborating requirements and exploring designs. For complex systems, model building is far from an easy task. Efforts ...
Christophe Damas, Bernard Lambeau, Axel van Lamswe...
The success and popularity of social network systems, such as, Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube, have generated many interesting and challenging problems to the research...