In this paper, we present a novel visual analytics system named Newdle with a focus on exploring large online news collections when the semantics of the individual news articles ha...
This paper describes a method to visualize the thickness of curved thin objects. Given the MRI volume data of articular cartilage, medical doctors investigate pathological changes...
JuxtaView is a cluster-based application for viewing ultra-high-resolution images on scalable tiled displays. We present in JuxtaView, a new parallel computing and distributed mem...
Naveen K. Krishnaprasad, Venkatram Vishwanath, Sha...
We present a framework that we are developing to better solve several critical issues that arise when interactive systems are extended to large displays. These issues include slow...
This paper presents research that led to the design and implementation of fast and interactive collision detection methods that can be used to identify and report undesirable conï¬...