Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, automating many everyday chores in the process, changing the way we perform work and providing various forms of entertainment. Makers of t...
We have developed an interactive video search system that allows the searcher to rapidly assess query results and easily pivot off those results to form new queries. The system i...
We describe an interactive system featuring fluid-driven animation that responds to moving objects. Our system includes a GPUaccelerated Eulerian fluid solver that is suited for...
In order to make direct volume rendering practicable convenient visualization options and data analysis tools have to be integrated. For example, direct rendering of semi-transpar...
We consider a repository of animation models and motions that can be reused to generate new animation sequences. For instance, a user can retrieve an animation of a dog kicking it...
Akanksha Huang, Zhiyong Huang, B. Prabhakaran, Con...