A useful theorem of Kuˇcera states that given a Martin-L¨of random infinite binary sequence ω and an effectively open set A of measure less than 1, some tail of ω is not in A...
Laurent Bienvenu, Adam R. Day, Ilya Mezhirov, Alex...
The development of new Field-Programmed, MaskProgrammed and Laser-Programmed Gate Array architectures is hampered by the lack of realistic test circuits that exercise both the arc...
Michael D. Hutton, Jerry P. Grossman, Jonathan Ros...
In this paper we prove a perhaps unexpected relationship between the complexity class of the boolean functions that have linear size circuits, and n-party private protocols. Speci...
Eyal Kushilevitz, Rafail Ostrovsky, Adi Rosé...
We explore the phenomena of subjective randomness as a case study in understanding how people discover structure embedded in noise. We present a rational account of randomness per...
Detecting the relevant attributes of an unknown target concept is an important and well studied problem in algorithmic learning. Simple greedy strategies have been proposed that s...