Grid technology offers numerous opportunities for the players involved. Despite the fact that the academic community has already exploited many of them, there is an evident relucta...
George A. Thanos, Costas Courcoubetis, George D. S...
The last few years have witnessed an unprecedented explosion in transistor densities. Diminutive feature sizes have enabled microprocessor designers to break the billion-transisto...
Continuing advances in semiconductor technology and demand for higher performance will lead to more powerful, superpipelined and wider issue processors. Instruction caches in such ...
In superscalar architectures, out-of-order issue mechanisms increase performance by dynamically rescheduling instructions that cannot be statically reordered by the compiler. Whil...
: Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are increasing in both popularity and scale, and while classical Client/Server architectures convey some benefits, they suffer from s...