We propose a simple and interactive technique for volume illustration by using the difference between the original intensity values and a low-pass filtered copy. This difference, ...
Understanding and analyzing complex volumetrically varying data is a difficult problem. Many computational visualization techniques have had only limited success in succinctly po...
Nikolai A. Svakhine, Yun Jang, David S. Ebert, Kel...
Illustrative techniques are a new and exciting direction in visualization research. Traditional techniques which have been used by scientific illustrators for centuries are re-exa...
We present an accurate, interactive silhouette extraction mechanism for texture-based volume rendering. Compared to previous approaches, our system guarantees silhouettes of a use...
Direct volume rendering techniques map volumetric attributes (e.g., density, gradient magnitude, etc.) to visual styles. Commonly this mapping is specified by a transfer function. ...
Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner, M. Eduard Grölle...