In this work1 we obtain robust category-based language models to be integrated into speech recognition systems. Deductive rules are used to select linguistic categories and to matc...
—The language game approach is widely adopted to study conventionalization of linguistic knowledge. Most of contemporary models concentrate on the dynamics of language games in r...
Tao Gong, Andrea Puglisi, Vittorio Loreto, William...
This paper presents a joint optimization method of a two-step conditional random field (CRF) model for machine transliteration and a fast decoding algorithm for the proposed metho...
Statistical language modeling (SLM) has been used in many different domains for decades and has also been applied to information retrieval (IR) recently. Documents retrieved using...
■ Native language experience plays a critical role in shaping speech categorization, but the exact mechanisms by which it does so are not well understood. Investigating category...