Abstract-- Nowadays, people are in need for continuous learning in order to keep up to date or to be upgraded in their job. An infrastructure for life-long learning requires contin...
Nowadays, people are in need for continuous learning in order to keep up to date or be upgraded in their job. An infrastructure for lifelong learning requires continuous adaptation...
Within the TENCompetence project we aim to develop and integrate models and tools into an open source infrastructure for the creation, storage and exchange of learning objects, sui...
Ivana Marenzi, Elena Demidova, Wolfgang Nejdl, Dan...
Electronic publishing is one part of a much larger process. There is a research lifecycle from creation of a programme for funded research through research proposals, projects, ou...
MODASPECTRA (MOtor Disability Assessment SPEcialists' TRAining) was a research and technology development project aimed at developing quality teaching and training of post-gr...