As the level of chip integration continues to advance at a fast pace, the desire for efficient interconnects-whether on-chip or off-chip--is rapidly increasing. Traditional interc...
Abstract--We present Starburst, a routing-based protocol designed to efficiently disseminate data items to small subsets within a sensor network. Starburst constructs a routing hie...
The bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem arising, for example, in network design when quality of service is of concern. ...
Abstract—Hash tables are used in many networking applications, such as lookup and packet classification. But the issue of collisions resolution makes their use slow and not suit...
—Hash tables are extensively used in networking to implement data-structures that associate a set of keys to a set of values, as they provide O(1), query, insert and delete opera...
Sailesh Kumar, Jonathan S. Turner, Patrick Crowley