— Wireless multi-hop, mesh networks are being considered as a candidate to backhaul data traffic from access networks to the wired Internet. These mesh networks are referred to a...
In this paper, a novel discrete differential evolution (DDE) algorithm is presented to solve the permutation flowhop scheduling problem with the makespan criterion. The DDE algori...
Quan-Qe Pan, Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Lia...
The choice of the scheduling algorithm is a major design criteria of a switch. Whereas it is known that maximum weight matching algorithms guarantee the stability of an input queu...
Increase in system level modeling has given rise to a need for efficient functional validation of models above cycle accurate level. This paper presents a technique for comparing...
Abstract— This paper presents an exploration framework which performs data assignment and access scheduling exploration for applications given a multilayer memory architecture. O...
Radoslaw Szymanek, Francky Catthoor, Krzysztof Kuc...