Feature selection algorithms can reduce the high dimensionality of textual cases and increase case-based task performance. However, conventional algorithms (e.g., information gain)...
In the third of an ongoing series of exploratory sound information display studies, we augmented a dual task with a mixed-use auditory display designed to provide relevant alert i...
Derek P. Brock, James A. Ballas, Janet L. Stroup, ...
Usually the Stokes equations that govern a flow in a smooth thin domain (with thickness of order ) are related to the Reynolds equation for the pressure psmooth. In this paper, we...
We discuss how Case Based Reasoning (CBR) (see e.g. [1], [4]) philosophy of adaptation of some known situations to new similar ones can be realized in rough set framework [5] for c...
This paper presents a model for summarizing multiple untranscribed spoken documents. Without assuming the availability of transcripts, the model modifies a recently proposed unsup...