In processors that do not support floating-point instructions, using fixed-point arithmetic instead of floating-point emulation trades off computation accuracy for execution spe...
In this paper we present Minibit+, an approach that optimizes the bit-widths of fixed-point and floating-point designs, while guaranteeing accuracy. Our approach adopts differen...
Abstract. In the context of deductive program verification, supporting floatingpoint computations is tricky. We propose an expressive language to formally specify behavioral proper...
Abstract? Fixed-point DSPs are a class of embedded processors with highly irregular architectures. This irregularity makes it difficult to generate high-quality machine code from p...
Most motion control systems for mechatronic systems are implemented on digital computers. In this paper we present an FPGA based solution implemented on a low cost Xilinx Spartan I...
Marcel A. Groothuis, Jasper J. P. van Zuijlen, Jan...