We explore a variety of interaction and visualization techniques for fluid navigation, segmentation, linking, and annotation of digital videos. These techniques are developed with...
For the huge amounts of audio and video material that could usefully be included in digital libraries, the cost of producing human-generated annotations and meta-data is prohibiti...
Alexander G. Hauptmann, Michael J. Witbrock, Micha...
Digital tools for annotation of video have the promise to provide immense value to researchers in disciplines ranging from psychology to ethnography to computer science. With trad...
Joey Hagedorn, Joshua M. Hailpern, Karrie Karahali...
Conventional digital video playback systems provide only limited user interactivity, mostly in the form of VCRlike controls such as fast forward/backward, slow motion, pause/stop,...
This paper explores using non-linguistic vocalization as an additional modality to augment digital pen input on a tablet computer. We investigated this through a set of novel inte...