Web Mining Systems exploit the redundancy of data published on the Web to automatically extract information from existing web documents. The first step in the Information Extract...
Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin, Dietmar Jannach, Gerh...
Uniprocessor schedulability theory made great strides, in part, due to the simplicity of composing the delay of a job from the execution times of higher-priority jobs that preempt...
As the desire of scientists to perform ever larger computations drives the size of today’s high performance computers from hundreds, to thousands, and even tens of thousands of ...
The understanding of the structure of a software system can be improved by analyzing the system’s evolution during development. Visualizations of software history that provide o...
— Batteries are non-ideal energy sources – minimizing the energy consumption of a battery-powered system is not equivalent to maximizing its battery life. We propose an alterna...