Background: ChIP-chip data, which indicate binding of transcription factors (TFs) to DNA regions in vivo, are widely used to reconstruct transcriptional regulatory networks. Howev...
Background: The genomewide pattern of changes in mRNA expression measured using DNA microarrays is typically a complex superposition of the response of multiple regulatory pathway...
Background: The SYMBIOmatics Specific Support Action (SSA) is "an information gathering and dissemination activity" that seeks "to identify synergies between the bi...
Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Graham Cameron, Domini...
Efficient multicast congestion control (MCC) is one of the critical components required to enable the IP multicast deployment over the Internet. Previously proposed MCC schemes ca...
Jiang Li, Murat Yuksel, Xingzhe Fan, Shivkumar Kal...
In this paper, we investigate the coverage problem in wireless sensor networks using a game theory method. We assume that nodes are randomly scattered in a sensor field and the goa...