Abstract— Human can efficiently grasp and dextrously manipulate various objects using their fingers cooperatively. When they attain proficiency in the rotating manipulation of...
Yuichi Kurita, Kazuyuki Nagata, Jun Ueda, Yoshio M...
We present the first hardware-in-the-loop evolutionary optimization on an ornithopter. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of evolving flight through genetic algorithms an...
––This paper deals with a small mobile device, "Seal Mechanism," with three degrees of freedom (DOFs). An L-shaped structure of Seal Mechanism is proposed. This devic...
The objective of this paper is to propose a new homography-based approach to image-based visual tracking and servoing. The visual tracking algorithm proposed in the paper is based...
Stickybot is a bio-inspired robot that climbs smooth vertical surfaces such as glass, plastic and ceramic tile at 4 cm/s. The robot employs several design principles adapted from t...
Sangbae Kim, Matthew Spenko, Salomon Trujillo, Bar...