Although high branch prediction accuracy is necessary for high performance, it typically comes at the cost of larger predictor tables and/or more complex prediction algorithms. Un...
Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, Peng-fei Chuang, David...
Real world computer vision systems highly depend on reliable, robust retrieval of motion cues to make accurate decisions about their surroundings. In this paper, we present a simp...
Abstract— We propose an asynchronous island-model algorithm distribution framework and test the popular Differential Evolution algorithm performance when a few processors are ava...
DL systems with bilinear structure recently became an important base for cryptographic protocols such as identity-based encryption (IBE). Since the main computational task is the ...
Superscalar microprocessor efficiency is generally not as high as anticipated. In fact, sustained utilization below thirty percent of peak is not uncommon, even for fully optimized...