At EuroCrypt’99, Paillier proposed a new encryption scheme based on higher residuosity classes. The new scheme was proven to be one-way under the assumption that computing N-resi...
Dario Catalano, Rosario Gennaro, Nick Howgrave-Gra...
Case-based reasoning aims to use past experience to solve new problems. A strong requirement for its application is that extensive experience base exists that provides statisticall...
Automatic software testing is gradually becoming accepted practice in the software industry. The shrinking development cycle and higher expectation of software quality are forcing...
The microprocessor industry is currently struggling with higher development costs and longer design times that arise from exceedingly complex processors that are pushing the limit...
The time it takes to reconfigure FPGAs can be a significant overhead for reconfigurable computing. In this paper we develop new compression algorithms for FPGA configurations that...