The ever-increasing number of transistors on a chip has resulted in very large scale integration (VLSI) systems whose performance and manufacturing costs are driven by on-chip wir...
Abstract. H.264 provides various useful features such as improved coding efficiency and error robustness. These features enable mobile device to adopt H.264/AVC standard to achieve...
This study compares the speed, area, and power of di erent implementations of Active Pages OCS98], an intelligent memory system which helps bridge the growing gap between processo...
Mark Oskin, Justin Hensley, Diana Keen, Frederic T...
This paper describes two techniques to quantify energy consumption of burst-modeasynchronous(clock-less)controlcircuits. The circuit specifications consideredare extended burst-m...
Peter A. Beerel, Kenneth Y. Yun, Steven M. Nowick,...
: The IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee are protocols aimed at low-duty and low-power wireless sensor networks. Continuously monitoring applications such as applications of structural healt...