We expect that many-core microprocessors will push performance per chip from the 10 gigaflop to the 10 teraflop range in the coming decade. To support this increased performance...
Dana Vantrease, Robert Schreiber, Matteo Monchiero...
Optical systems are becoming increasingly important as they tend to resolve many bottlenecks in the present age communications and electronics. Some common examples include their u...
— Interconnect delays are increasingly becoming the dominant source of performance degradation in the nano-meter regime, largely because of disturbances that result from parasiti...
Ray Robert Rydberg III, Jabulani Nyathi, Jos&eacut...
As the number of cores on a single chip increases with more recent technologies, a packet-switched on-chip interconnection network has become a de facto communication paradigm for ...
Tens and eventually hundreds of processing cores are projected to be integrated onto future microprocessors, making the global interconnect a key component to achieving scalable c...
Mark J. Cianchetti, Joseph C. Kerekes, David H. Al...