A methodology for reducing ground bounce in typical microprocessors and image processing architectures has been described. As we approach Gigascale Integration, chip power consump...
Mondira Deb Pant, Pankaj Pant, D. Scott Wills, Viv...
The Cyc KB has a rich pre-existing ontology for representing common sense knowledge. To clarify and enforce its terms’ semantics and to improve inferential efficiency, the Cyc on...
John Cabral, Robert C. Kahlert, Cynthia Matuszek, ...
This paper describes a new sampling-based heuristic for tree search named SAGE and presents an analysis of its performance on the problem of grammar induction. This last work has b...
This paper reports on an investigation to compare a number of strategies to include negated features within the process of Inductive Rule Learning (IRL). The emphasis is on generat...
Constructive Induction is the process of transforming the original representation of hard concepts with complex interaction into a representation that highlights regularities. Mos...