Assume that two distant parties, Alice and Bob, as well as an adversary, Eve, have access to (quantum) systems prepared jointly according to a tripartite state ρABE. In addition, ...
Matthias Christandl, Artur Ekert, Michal Horodecki...
Trust negotiation makes it possible for two parties to carry on secure transactions by first establishing trust through a bilateral, iterative process of requesting and disclosin...
Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantz...
Instrumenting programs with code to monitor runtime behavior is a common technique for profiling and debugging. In practice, instrumentation is either inserted manually by progra...
Simon Goldsmith, Robert O'Callahan, Alexander Aike...
Garbage collection yields numerous software engineering benefits, but its quantitative impact on performance remains elusive. One can compare the cost of conservative garbage col...
While efficient graph-based representations have been developed for modeling combinations of low-level network attacks, relatively little attention has been paid to effective tech...
Steven Noel, Michael Jacobs, Pramod Kalapa, Sushil...