This paper describes a preliminary investigation of how the capabilities of wearable computers may be used to provide task guidance in mobile environments. Specifically, this stud...
This paper presents a general method for computing transient sensitivities using the adjoint method in event driven simulation algorithms that employ piecewise linear device model...
Abstract. This paper introduces a cryptographic paradigm called selfescrowed encryption, a concept initiated by kleptography. In simple words, a self-escrowed public-key cryptosyst...
In a VHDL-based design flow for applicationspecific integrated circuits, VITAL provides a uniform methodology for developing ASIC libraries for signoff simulation. The VITAL Sta...
Josef Fleischmann, Rolf Schlagenhaft, Martin Pelle...
The shapes of forests of inheritance trees can affect the amount of code reuse in an object-oriented system. Designers can benefit from knowing how structuring decisions affect r...