We propose a novel evaluation methodology for intelligent camera control systems based on established techniques of measuring story comprehension from cognitive psychology. The pr...
Combining ideas from several previous proposals, such as Active Pages, DIVA, and ULMT, we present the Memory Arithmetic Unit and Interface (MAUI) architecture. Because the “inte...
Justin Teller, Charles B. Silio Jr., Bruce L. Jaco...
The “JavaTM Intelligent Tutoring System” (JITS) research project involves the development of a programming tutor designed for students in their first programming course in Jav...
Our work links Chinese calligraphy to computer science through an integrated intelligence approach. We first extract strokes of existent calligraphy using a semi-automatic, twoph...
Songhua Xu, Hao Jiang, Francis Chi-Moon Lau, Yunhe...
Intelligibility can help expose the inner workings and inputs of context-aware applications that tend to be opaque to users due to their implicit sensing and actions. However, use...