Cooperation is the fundamental underpinning of multi-agent systems, allowing agents to interact to achieve their goals. Where agents are self-interested, or potentially unreliable...
A long-standing challenge in interactive entertainment is the creation of story-based games with dynamically responsive story-lines. Such games are populated by multiple objects a...
Mark J. Nelson, David L. Roberts, Charles Lee Isbe...
There is a large disparity between the rich physical interfaces of co-located arcade games and the generic input devices seen in most home console systems. In this paper we argue ...
Edward Tse, Saul Greenberg, Chia Shen, Clifton For...
Tagging has become increasingly popular and useful across various social networks and applications. It allows users to classify and organize resources for improving the retrieval p...
Background: Researchers in systems biology use network visualization to summarize the results of their analysis. Such networks often include unconnected components, which popular ...
Miha Stajdohar, Minca Mramor, Blaz Zupan, Janez De...