Auctions are an important means for purchasing material in the era of e-commerce. Research on auctions often studies them in isolation. In practice, however, auction agents are pa...
Collaborative optimization problems can often be modeled as a linear program whose objective function and constraints combine data from several parties. However, important applicat...
Background: Answers to several fundamental questions in statistical genetics would ideally require knowledge of the ancestral pedigree and of the gene flow therein. A few examples...
Dario Gasbarra, Matti Pirinen, Mikko J. Sillanp&au...
This study demonstratesthe use of decision tree classifiers as the basis for a general gene-finding system. The system uses a dynamic programmingalgorithm that. finds the optimal ...
Steven Salzberg, Xin Chen, John Henderson, Kenneth...
System-level virtualization has been a research topic since the 70’s but regained popularity during the past few years because of the availability of efficient solution such as...