Abstract—We consider two natural extensions of the communication complexity model that are inspired by distributed computing. In both models, two parties are equipped with synchr...
Abstract--In this paper, the problem of stochastic synchronization analysis is investigated for a new array of coupled discretetime stochastic complex networks with randomly occurr...
Abstract. We study the impact of malicious synchronization on computer systems that serve customers periodically. Systems supporting automatic periodic updates are common in web se...
Mun Choon Chan, Ee-Chien Chang, Liming Lu, Peng So...
A class of generic models of protocells is introduced, which are inspired by the “Los Alamos bug” is but which, due to their abstraction level, can be applied to a wider set o...
Abstract. We study some mechanisms responsible for synchronous oscillations and loss of synchrony at physiologically relevant frequencies 10-200 Hz in a network of heterogeneous ...
John A. White, Carson C. Chow, Jason Ritt, Cristin...