Network operators need to determine the composition of the traffic mix on links when looking for dominant applications, users, or estimating traffic matrices. Cisco’s NetFlow ha...
Cristian Estan, Ken Keys, David Moore, George Varg...
Network evolution is a ubiquitous phenomenon in a wide variety of complex systems. There is an increasing interest in statistically modeling the evolution of complex networks such...
The seamless communication of data and voice over short-range, point-to-multipoint wireless links between mobile and/or stationary devices is becoming a reality by newly introduce...
Sachin Abhyankar, Rishi Toshniwal, Carlos de M. Co...
Numerous studies have shown that datacenter computers rarely operate at full utilization, leading to a number of proposals for creating servers that are energy proportional with r...
Dennis Abts, Michael R. Marty, Philip M. Wells, Pe...
—The majority of the existing ad hoc wireless network routing protocols has a tendency to use the shortest single path from the source to the destination. However, in constantly ...