Despite the tremendous growth in the cellular data network usage due to the popularity of smartphones, so far there is rather limited understanding of the network infrastructure o...
Recently, we proposed marginal space learning (MSL) as
a generic approach for automatic detection of 3D anatom-
ical structures in many medical imaging modalities. To
Scalable image retrieval systems usually involve hierarchical quantization of local image descriptors, which produces a visual vocabulary for inverted indexing of images. Although ...
Rongrong Ji (Harbin Institute of Technology), Xing...
Many classes of images have the characteristics of sparse structuring of statistical dependency and the presence of conditional independencies among various groups of variables. S...
Object detection and recognition has achieved a significant progress in recent years. However robust 3D object detection and segmentation in noisy 3D data volumes remains a challen...
Le Lu, Adrian Barbu, Matthias Wolf, Jianming Liang...