People wish to enjoy their everyday lives in various ways, among which entertainment plays a major role. In order to improve lifestyle with more ready access to entertainment cont...
Sewook Jung, Uichin Lee, Alexander Chang, Dae-Ki C...
Mobile computing adds a mostly unexplored dimension to data mining: user's position is a relevant piece of information, and recommendation systems, selecting and ranking link...
Abstract—Social conventions are useful self-sustaining protocols for groups to coordinate behavior without a centralized entity enforcing coordination. We perform an in-depth stu...
Manufacturable design requires matching of interconnects which have equal nominal dimensions. New design rules are projected to bring guarantee rules for interconnect matching. In...
Complex event detection over data streams has become ubiquitous through the widespread use of sensors, wireless connectivity and the wide variety of end-user mobile devices. Typic...
Panayiotis Neophytou, Mohamed A. Sharaf, Panos K. ...