With the technical advances in ubiquitous computing and wireless networking, there has been an increasing need to capture the context information (such as the location) and to figu...
Hyuk Lim, Lu-Chuan Kung, Jennifer C. Hou, Haiyun L...
Over the last twenty years the interfaces for accessing persistent storage within a computer system have remained essentially unchanged. Simply put, seek, read and write have deļ¬...
Xiangyong Ouyang, David W. Nellans, Robert Wipfel,...
Multi-tier systems that combine SSDs with SAS/FC and/or SATA disks mitigate the capital cost burden of SSDs, while beneļ¬ting from their superior I/O performance per unit cost an...
Jorge Guerra, Himabindu Pucha, Joseph S. Glider, W...
In this paper we study the impact of sharing memory resources on ļ¬ve Google datacenter applications: a web search engine, bigtable, content analyzer, image stitching, and protoc...
Lingjia Tang, Jason Mars, Neil Vachharajani, Rober...
Disk images (bitstreams extracted from physical media) can play an essential role in the acquisition and management of digital collections by serving as containers that support da...